DATE: July 3, 2015 Friday 2:00pm - 4:00pm
July 4, 2015 Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm
July 5, 2015 Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: Hooked Rug Museum of North America (HRMNA)
9849 St. Margaret’s Bay Road, Hwy 3, Queensland, NS
TEACHER: Doug Rankin
Doug is a Certified McGown Teacher who has taught workshops in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Ontario. Doug, and his wife Anne, own and operate the Rug Hooking Studio “Highland Heart Hookery” located in their home in Clayton Park, Halifax where he teaches monthly rug hooking classes to beginners and experienced rug hookers.
REGISTRATION: Register soon as class is limited to 20 people.
Click here for a printable Registration Form
Total registration fee for 3 days - $125.00, includes registration fee, tea, coffee, muffins & lunch Sat & Sun.
A deposit of $50.00 is payable with registration and the balance of $75.00 payable by May 15, 2015. Total registration fee of $125.00 can be paid with registration.
REFUNDS: No later than June 3, 2015. No refunds after June 3, 2015.
The $50.00 deposit is non-refundable, balance of $75.00 is refundable.
Print registration form and mail with your payment to:
Hooked Rug Museum of North America
9849 St. Margaret’s Bay Rd. RR2, Hubbards, NS B0J 1T0
Confirmation of registration upon receipt of registration form and payment.
PATTERNS: It is advisable to select your pattern in advance of the workshop at:
Doug Rankin - Highland Heart Hookery
Phone: 902-445-4644
HRMNA (after May 1, 2015)
902-858-3060 - Week-ends only in May.
Or Sherry Chandler 902-275-4743 (anytime)
WOOL: Anne Rankin will be there with her shop to sell wool & help with color/wool selection.