PLEASE NOTE: Photos should not be taken in the museum during the hook-in.
The Market Place will be open at 9:30 on Hook-In days to allow for registration before entering the Museum area. If you have any special dietary needs please let us know so that we can try to accommodate you; we always have gluten-free items for our morning tea/coffee and with the luncheon, as well as fresh fruit and veggies. The fee for the hook-ins is $20.00 per person.
If you are unable to make it to the hook-in that you have pre-registered for, please let us know beforehand as knowing the number of participants is important to our food preparation. If you are cancelling on the day of the event, please phone the museum at 858-3060 as we are unable to check our email while at the museum. Please be mindful of wearing strong perfumes and body lotions as many people are sensitive to them. Thank you.