October 4th

A smaller group of hookers gathered for our last hook-in of the season but a good time was had by all.   It is great to see those new to hooking talking to the hookers with more experience - gathering tips and inspiration!





Above:  Left - two of our newest hookers, Jenny and Eileen, sharing info; Center:  Gene and Marion have been to every hook-in and will soon be heading back to warmer climes in Georgia ... until next year;  Right - Doug and Ann Rankin of  Highland Heart Hookery also joined us for the day (we now have Doug's Maud Lewis patterns for sale in the Market Place)




Above:  Left - a few of Patsy's beautiful pieces; Center  & Right - a time for visiting and talking about their projects


ATHA Chapter 2 from Corea, Maine were touring the museum and have stopped to admire the work along the way.


And last, but not least, a few stunning hooking projects.  Gail's Celtic A is almost finished and Eiileen's flowers are looking great - both are beautiful!

September 20th

Wow!  What a busy time it was with Sandra Phinney and her Maud Lewis presentation; Director at Large Gene Shepherd (of Internet Rug Camp fame) and his wife Marsha from California; Director at Large Lauri Troutmanfrom Maine, member of the Tin Peddlers ATHA chapter along with Jackye Hansen who is known for her book "Sculptured Rugs in Waldoboro Style"; and Director at Large Phyllis Lindblade of the Yahoo Rughooking group, as well as all the other wonderful people who attended. 

A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped with this event and a special thanks to Events Coordinator, Director Linda Crowell and her crew:  Brigette Dean, Linda Stewart and Maria Niemeth.

And last, but not least, Halifax Regional Municipality Counselor for St. Margarets, Matt Whitman, was on hand to present a cheque from HRM to the Museum.

Suzanne with Matt

Founding Director and Chair of HRMNA, Suzanne Conrod, accepting the grant from Counselor Matt Whitman.


We had several door prize draws which were won by Susan Davis and Susan Morin.  A hooking stand was raffled off and was won by Mitzi Blenus, shown below with Suzanne Conrod and Sherry Chandler.


Below:  Sandra's presentation about her book and all the 'Maud houses' that were created and displayed in Yarmouth this summer.

Sandra Phinney1

Sandra Phinney2


Dougs Rugs



A few of Doug Rankin's Maud Lewis rugs


 Below left: Gene fielding hooking questions; the guys admiring Tony's finished rug; and the gang from "Old Salt" - Marsha, Lauri and Gene.




Lauri and Jackye

Left:  Jacqueline Hansen and Lauri Troutman pose in front of Jackye's Waldoboro style rug (shown above them on the gallery wall)



Random photos from the hook-in:












Sept 20_10

Sept 20_11



Phyllis Lindblade, Denise Peterson-Rafuse, Suzanne Conrod and Lauri Troutman

August 23rd

Lucy Richard, creator of the Wooly Mason Jar Colour Wheel Dyeing system was on hand to demonstrate how easy her system is to use.  Old friends met up and new friendships began ...

Lucy Richard































Lots of beautiful work being done here.   Many thanks to Events Coordinator Linda Crowell and volunteers who helped with the food preparation Brigette Dean, Linda Stewart, and Marie Neimeth, and to others who brought in food for this event who are too numerous to mention.


July 12th

This was a small hook-in - we


had lots of fun and the food was great thanks to Events Coordinator, Director Linda Crowell and her volunteers, Brigette Dean and Linda Stewart.




Left:  Marian and Gene working away.  Centre:  Janet Dalo with her lovely oriental.  Right:  Carolyn Smith with her snowman rug, with Cheryl Schnare (working on a NS Lighthouse group mat), Margot Janes and Gail Lambert.





Left:  Gail Lambert working on her beautiful Celtic letter.  Centre Left: Andrea Walker spinning away.  Centre Right:  Louise Horne working on her stunning dog rug. Right:  Director Ann Smith and her lovely trumpet flower.







Left: Laureen Stratford shows Margot her finished geometric.  Centre Left:  Susan David with her handsome dog.  Centre Right:  Margot Janes was binding her finished fox in winter rug.  Right:  Joyce Foster completed her first piece!!

June 14th

Our first Hook-in of 2014 on Saturday June 14th was a big success with over 50 people gathered in the auditorium.  Thanks to everyone who attended (despite some of the troubles getting here as one group of ladies hit a tree branch and had a flat tire on the way).  Here are a few photos of the day:

June 14 HIJune 14 Hook-inLeft:  Events Coordinator Linda Crowell and some of her crew setting the lunch table.

Right:  A view of the roomful of busy hookers hard at work.

June 14 Hook-in

June 14 Hook-in

Left:  Gene and Marian work on their joint rug which is nearing completion.

Right:  Digging in to the wonderful food set out for lunch.


June 5th

We hosted our first Fun Fibre Thursday on June 5th and were happy to see the smiling faces who game to spend their day at the museum.  A couple of the ladies from the Kingfishers group were glad that we were  opening the museum to a drop in hook-in day as their group does not meet in the summer months.

FFTFFT2Rugs on the wall are a portion of our Rug Hooking Artist of the Year exhibits with Trish Johnson's rugs shown in the left photo, and Sibyl Osicka's on the right.

April 26th

Our first event of the 2014 season was a hook-in and informational session held at the Tantallon Branch of the Halifax Public Libraries.  Museum Founder Suzanne Conrod, Directors and volunteers were on hand to 'meet and greet' visitors who popped in for a quick visit and to chat with others who came to hook for a few hours. 


Tantallon Hook-in

Tantallon Hook-in

Tantallon Hook-in