Raffle Draw winners are located on the What's New page.
Summer raffle fundraiser draw - HRMNA will be at the Community Desk of the Hubbards Farm Market on Saturday, September 21st selling raffle tickets
Closing the Museum
Past Events:
Off-site hook-in at the Tantallon Library on Saturday,April 20th - volunteers and Directors from the museum are having a hook-in at the Library in Tantallon. There will be an assortment of rugs on display as well as a group of local hookers demonstrating how to hook a rug. Everyone welcome!
We enjoyed our hook-in at the library very much!
Market Place opens the first weekend in May (Saturday the 4th) and is open weekends only until June
Hubbards Women in Business meeting - May 31st
The Market Place and Galleries/Exhibits are now open daily for the season!
Opening Celebration - June 15th (by invitation only) - go here to view photos and a write-up of the opening event
1812 Exhibit in the Founder's Gallery
Hands Across the Border featuring Canadian and American contemporary artists
Peggy's Cove Studio Tour - July 19-21
July 29th Hook In - Directors Sherry Chandler and Suzanne Conrod are just returning from the Pearl McGown Hooking School in Dudley, Mass.; along with them are Chizuko Hayami, Norma Batatini, Arlene Bechtoldt-Apgar and Linda Woodbery. (Full - no more registrations.)
August 10th Hook In with ATHA President Gail Dufresne and ATHA Advertising Manager Cynthia Norwood
Honouring the Garrett Dynasty
September 7th Hook In with Michele Micarelli
September 14th Hook In - Shirley Hiltz of New Ross, our Canadian Rug Hooking Artist of the Year, will be our special guest.