September 14th Hook In


Shirley Hiltz with Rug Our Canadian Rug Hooker of the Year, Shirley Hiltz,  joined us during our last (impromptu) hook in of the 2013 season.  This was a great opportunity for all those in attendance to see her beautiful work and meet her in person.  Shirley arrived with another stunning hooked rug that she is currently working on - it is truly a painting done with wool!


We also welcomed a bus load of woman who have been visiting Nova Scotia from Ontario.  They were all hookers from various branches of the OHCG:  Georgetown Guild, Oshawa Burlap Loopers, Georgian Bay Hookers, Kitchener/Waterloo Guild and Saugeen Rug Hookers.

Ontario Hookers

With them was Joan Rigby who had donated this vintage rug hooking stand to the museum several years ago.  Shown here with Director Sherry Chandler.

Joan Rigby


Others who came to enjoy the day were:

Below Left:  The Kingfishers from Halifax, Janet Delo, Mitzi Blenus and Trish Hattie

Below Middle:  Museum friends from New Glasgow, spinner Andrea and her hooking husband Wayne Walker

Below Right:  Suzanne Gould, hooker and felter, from Tantallon and new hooker Rosanna Harvey from Beaverbank


Andrea and Wayne Walker

Suzanne Gould

Market Place

Enjoying the marketplace (left).  Directors Linda

Crowell and Sherry Chandler were busy working

the sales deck.

Thanks to all the ladies from Ontario for stopping in

to tour the museum and for sharing their Nova

Scotia vacation stories! 

September 7th Hook In

Michelle Micarelli


Michele Micarelli, our U.S. Rug Hooker of the Year, told the crowd how she became a rug hooker.  She is a wonderfully amusing speaker and had everyone in the room laughing over her stories about when she first started hooking.  Michelle will be one of the teachers at next year's Nova Scotia Rug Hooking School.

Lots of hookers from far and wide came to the museum for the hook in and to enjoy the wonderful spread of goodies laid out after lunch!  Many thanks again to Director & Events Coordiantor Linda Crowell and her crew of helpers - Linda Stewart, Brigette Dean, Maria Nemeth and Catherine Clute.Sweets


Below are photos of the hook in. 

Photo bottom left:  gals from Country Matters  - Atie van Tol, Annabelle Thiebaux, Myrna Hambleton, Carolyn McNally and our vendor for this event, Ankie Fisher.

Photo bottom centre:  Director Sherry Chandler's McGown Hooking School roomates  came to Nova Scotia to visit with Sherry and the museum; from

                                                left Joyce Digregoria, July Moakler and Brenda Neafsey.

                                                Photo bottom right:  some local hookers from Chester, NS - Susan Davis, Jill Joudrey and  volunteer Peggy McDonald.


Country Matters

McGown Hookers

  Susan, Jill and Peggy






More photos from the Sept. 7 hook in:








 A full room (I wasn't able to get everyone's names).


Crystal M.

 Tony and DougTony & Doug's rugs

Joyce Sponagle, Crystal Morash & Melissa Sponagle               Tony McEachren and Doug Rankin                               Tony and Doug's rugs

Far left:  Judy Sadler, Registrar for the Nova Scotia Rug Hooking School, RHGNS and her friends


We welcomed Gail Dufresne and Cynthia Norwood to this month's hook in.  They told us about ATHA, what it was all about, the benefits, and how to join - there is even a Nova Scotia Chapter of ATHA!  You can link to the ATHA website on our Links page.  Issues of the ATHA publication which contains many informational articles about hooking and dying, patterns, etc. were given to people attending.

Gene & Marian

Hard at Work

Susan Morin

From Left:

Gene & Marian are enjoying hooking the partially completed pattern they purchased from the Market Place.  

Volunteer Margot in the foreground with others hard at work.

ATHA member Susan Morin enjoying the hook in.

Valley Gals

Marlise's rug

Tony McEachern with rug

From Left:

A few of the Valley hookers.

Marlise's Garrett pattern is coming along nicely.

Tony shows off his Three Churches of Mahone Bay

rug which he has finished.

Some random pictures from the hook in below:

Aug 10 Hook In

Aug. 10 Hook In

Marie et al

Aug. 10 hook in

Naomi and Susan










Just back from the Pearl McGown Hooking School in Dudley, Mass., Sherry and Suzanne are welcoming four of their Pearl McGown friends to Nova Scotia and to the Museum: Chizuko Hayami, Norma Batastini, Arline Bechtoldt-Apgar and Linda Woodberry. 

Shown below are from left are:  Norma Batastini, Linda Woodberry, Chizuko Hayami and Arline Bechtoldt-Apgar with Director At Large Ann Smith in for foreground.

Hook In

Hook InLeft:  friends from the McGown Hooking School, Barbara Leduc and Arline Bechtoldt-Apgar, meet up at the museum 








Below Left:  Founder Suzanne Conrod welcomes all the  hookers to the museum.


Chizuko and Norma

Left:  Chizuko Hayami, Tokyo, and Norma

Batastini, New Jersey, display their beautiful hooked





The Crowd










Top Left:  The Food Table    Top Middle/Right:  The auditorium area of the museum full of busy hookers.  Many thanks to all who participated!


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