The Hooked Rug Museum is very proud to also present:
Frances Taylor of Black Rock, Nova Scotia
Frances Taylor
Growing up in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, school and church were my two things I went to outside of home. Having the surname of Arenburg gave me close connections to Lunenburg and a love of the “south shore.” After high school and a business course, I spent many years working as a school secretary, and a post mistress for a while.
Art was always my favorite pastime. I started oil painting while still a teenager and continued for a number of years. Then there was a period of quilt making and then a longer period of acrylic painting. Community history became my passion which resulted in three books being published.
I went to a book signing of Doris Eaton’s book “A Lifetime of Hooking”. She encouraged me to get started. I think my first mat was in 2013. So I have been hooking for 11 years. My interest is rug hooking and I really enjoy having the opportunity to participate in displays. As I reside at the water’s edge on the Bay of Fundy, most of my rugs have a nautical theme.
I use dyed wool fabric obtained from the local shops and I love my Bolivar cutter. I was given my Bolivar cutter as a Christmas gift, and the blade is a # 6. That’s all I have used.
When I start a rug I really don’t know how it will turn out. I design as I go along and I make the sky tie in with the subject. If there is a boat in the lower part, there will likely be a boat in the sky. I also try to draw all the colours together. I recently completed a mat as a tribute to the horses of Sable Island, I blended the horses on the land with the horses in the sky. Lots of fun! This rug is included in the display of my hooked rugs here at the Museum.
I appreciate the opportunity to showcase a selection of my hooked rugs at the Hooked Rug Museum of North America during the 2024 season.
Nautical Sunrise - Francis Taylor
Tribute to Horses of Sable Island - Francis Taylor
Nautical Sunrise
Designed and Hooked by Frances Taylor Tribute to Horses of Sable Island
Designed and Hooked by Frances Taylor
Crescent Beach - Frances Taylor
Black Rock Lighthouse - Francis Taylor
Crescent Beach Black Rock Lighthouse
Designed and Hooked by Frances Taylor Designed and Hooked by Frances Taylor
Carnegie Rug Hookers
Group Biography
The Carnegie Rug hookers began meeting in 2004 in the beautiful Carnegie building formerly known as the Saint John Free Public Library; currently the Saint John Arts Centre. Coming into our 25th year, we continue to be inspired by the art exhibits that surround us each week.
We meet every Friday morning - September to June; to share ideas and inspiration and to work on rug hooking projects in a social atmosphere. Our small group has grown to over 50 members. New members are always welcome.
We are known for our group projects where all members are encouraged to participate. Notable projects are: collaborating with Les Hookeuses du Bor'de'lo on a hooked project for the New Brunswick Museum; collectively hooking a large cushion for the Barachois International Collection of Hooked Cushions; and creating a hooked mat to celebrate Canada 150, which hangs in the lobby of the Saint John Arts Centre.
Over the past 20 years, the Carnegie Rug hookers have had many exhibits at venues including: Saint John Arts Centre, Saint John City Market, Imperial Theatre, Sunbury Shores in St Andrews and the Hooked Rug Museum of North America in Hubbards, Nova Scotia.
Then & Now
Our current exhibit, "Then & Now" showcases the artistic journey of each rug hooking artist from their beginnings to the present. During the pandemic, there was a refreshing influx of new members to our group. The broad theme of this exhibit allowed all to participate, regardless of rug hooking experience. The oldest "Then" mat was hooked in 1989; the most recent, in 2022.
It is a great joy to share the range of styles and wealth of creativity in all of these works. The participating artists are:
Mary Jane Anderson Carol Baker Teresa Bogle
Gabriela de Austin Judy Eldridge-Miller Mary Hancox
Joanne Harris Gwen Henry Heather Kennedy
Lynn Kinsella Anne Leger Lorraine Leger
Linda LeMesurier Mary McInerney Erin McKenna
Pat Neill ReBecca Paterson Margaret Phillips
Sandy Piekarski Joyce Procure Josianne Rodier
Kathryn Rutherford Susan Sargent Alan Tibbetts
Paula Weiss
Home 2023 Designed and Hooked by Kathryn Rutherford
Winter Parka 2020, Designed by Deanne Fitzpatrick and Hooked by Mary Jane Anderson
Winter Parka 2020, Designed by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Home - 2023, Designed & Hooked by Kathryn Rutherford Hooked by Mary Jane Anderson
River of Tears 2023, Designed & Hooked by Alan Tibbetts
Myrtle 2023, Designed & Hooked by Paula Weiss
River of Tears 2023, Designed & Hooked by Alan Tibbetts Myrtle 2023, Designed and Hooked by Paula Weiss
Nightbirde 2023, Designed & Hooked by Heather Kennedy
Evelyn's Sunset - 2024, Designer from Photograph, Hooked by Ann Irving
Evelyn's Sunset 2024, Designed from Photograph, Hooked by Ann Irving
Nightbirde 2023, Designed & Hooked by Heather Kennedy