October Visitors
Our last workshop of the 2015 season was a "teach the teachers" day. HRMNA hosted 31 teachers for their Provincial School Board In-service which is held annually at the end of October. Organized by the Art Teachers Association of Nova Scotia, the workshop was open to all teachers and those who attended enjoyed being students for the day as they embraced the art of rug hooking. They are excited to be bringing fibre art back into the classroom.
From top left clockwise: the classroom is set up and ready to go; hard at work; progress in their designs; a view of the entire workshop
Great food was once again provided by Director Linda Crowell and her team of volunteers Linda Stewart and Carolyn McDiarmid.
The workshop was presented by Director Sherry Chandler and Founding Director Suzanne Conrod and assisted by Director Susan Lord.
Diane AylesRug Hooking Artist of the Year, Diane Ayles, is shown here with our Chair, Suzanne Conrod. She is being presented with a plaque commemorating her as the Canadian 2015 Rug Hooking Artist of the Year.
Lauri Troutman
We were happy to welcome Director at Large Lauri Troutman, with friends Gail Duclos LaPierre and Jane Griswold to the museum on Saturday. They are visiting Nova Scotia to attend the Fibre Festival in Amherst.
Shown here from left: Director Linda Crowell, Gail Duclos Lapierre, Director Susan Publicover Lord, Director Sherry Chandler, Director Lauri Troutman, and Jane Griswold.
September Visitors
Gail Dufresne
Gail Dufresne, President of ATHA (Association of Traditional Hooking Artists), cruised into Halifax on Sunday, Sept. 27th and came with fellow ATHA members to visit the museum. Gail is a well-known rug designer, an author, and a frequent contributor to Rug Hooking Magazine.
September 14th we had a tour bus of lovely women from the New England states. It was a pleasure to watch their enjoyment as they visited the Museum galleries and exhibits.
Tour Bus 09/14
August Happenings
Volunteers from HRMNA walked in the 31st Annual Hubbards Grand Street Parade. David Stewart drove the vehicle with Gertrude our little hooking lady; banner carriers Director Susan Lord and Linda Stewart; and candy/rack card person was Director Linda Crowell. A good time was had by all!
Parade Collage
Visitors to the Museum in July
Hicks' Oriental
On the far left is Shirley Hicks, who dropped into the Museum last Saturday (11th) with her beautiful oriental rug hooked in a number 3 cut. She is shown here with Suzanne Conrod. This rug is approximately 4 1/2 x 7 ft and is now on consignment in the Market Place is is a definite "must see" !
Visitors to the Museum in June
Leanne Sitler et alLeft to right: Janice Buckingham, Connie Bateman, Leanne Sitler , Founding Director Suzanne Conrod and Director Sherry Chandler. Janice, Connie & Leanne came to teach the Proddy Flowers workshop on June 11th and stayed for the Hook-In on the 13th. It was a pleasure to have them here at the Museum for these two events.
Visitors from Ohio
June 3rd we welcomed a group of ladies from Ohio and West Virginia to the Museum. They enjoyed the Museum very much, and loved the Maud Lewis patterns we now have on consignment in the Market Place. Happy hooking ladies!
MM01Visitors to the Museum in May
Left: 2013 Rug Hooking Artist of the Year Michele Micarelli
and husband Anthony with Found Director Suzanne Conrod
Right: 2015 Rug Hooking Artist of the Year Diane Ayles with her "Delicate Shades of Pink" hooked piece.
Matt Whitman01
Matt Whitman02
Chizuko and Friends
Top Left: HRM Councillor Matt Whitman (Hammonds Plains/St. Margarets) under the new signage at the Museum
Middle: Presenting Suzanne with a grant cheque from HRM.
Bottom Left: Rug Hooking Artist of the Year Chizuko Hayami and her students from Japan visit the Museum (for more pics of their visit go to the Rug Hooking Artist page)