Along with our two Rug Hooking Artists of the Year which are being shown Auditorium area we also have two other displays:
a collection of hooked Maud Lewis patterns and a collection of hooked pieces from the Northport Loopers from Northport, Nova Scotia.
Here is a sampling of the Maud Lewis pieces - this exhibit was assembled by Doug Rankin, Highland Heart Hookery, Halifax and Cindy Noble, Greenwood.
Maud Lewis 001
Edie McRoberts - Black Cat & Kittens
Leslie Langille - School House
Cathy Oman - Fishing Boat & Lighthouse
Mona Pearl - Bluebirds & House
Mona Pearl - Blacksmith Shop
Mona Pearl - Mare & Colt
Diane Theriault - Covered Bridge
Ida Young - Roadster & Cow
Diane Theriault - Spring Oxen
Kathryn Seecharan - Covered Bridge
Maud Lewis 002
The Northport Loopers exhibit was assembled by Joyce LeMoine, Northport, NS. Below is a sampling of this display with a list of the contributors:
Northport 001
Three Christmas Angels Singing - Carol Fullerton
Sunflower – Rachael Latta
Northport Loopers Sign – Pauline Verstraten
Home on the Hill – Pauline Verstraten
Yukon Moonrise (miniature) – Pauline Verstraten
Yukon Winter (miniature) – Pauline Verstraten
Bluebirds and Yellow Flowers – Arvilla Cormier
Clammin’ Tide – Arvilla Cormier
Coastal Girls – Barbara Yorston
Virginia Creeper – Heather LeMoine
Sculptured Fruit Hanging – Jean Siddall
Poinsettia Runner – Mary C. Dickeson
Northport 002
Maple Sugaring – Jean Siddall
Country Life – Jean Siddall
Seasons – Rachael Latta
Houses and Snow – Joyce LeMoine
Yoke and Oxen (Maud Lewis) – Pauline Verstraten
Welcome – Carole Fullerton
Ports of Plenty I – Joyce LeMoine
Lorneville United Church – Kim MacKenzie
Christmas Balls – Shelly Tanner
Red Hat Ladies – Shelly Tanner